Saturday, December 17, 2005

The Herd Thinning Plan

Last Sunday I sat down at the computer and launched into the online Social Security "Adult Disability and Work History" application. If none of you have ever filed for Social Security disability benefits you are fortunate indeed. It's a laborious, intimidating, all-together overwhelming series of questions arranged in four sections, after which even the most able-bodied person is completely wiped out. It took me a total of 8 1/2 hours over two days to complete the application, and that was with every piece of necessary information organized in front of me. I have become OCD about my records, whatever they are, and have hardcopies of everything just in case such a circumstance arose. It appears to be working to my advantage as the Social Security agent who will be my liaison to the Social Security Office appeared impressed with the extent of my medical records, going back to my original hip surgery in 1977. But I couldn't help thinking that anyone who wasn't as organized would be mowed over by the amoutn of information asked for and how long it takes to fill out.

But it doesn't end there...

I'm going to have to file for disability benefits from the State of California. If I can get California to legally recognize me as disabled it will help my case with the U.S. government. I'll let you know what that application is like once it's completed.

It isn't easy for me, or for anyone else, to go through this process of disability benefits. We live in a society that looks down on anyone who requires "assistance," and the current powers-that-be would love nothing more than to eliminate all aid to the disabled in favor of lining the pockets of their corporate supporters and the richest 1% who support their insane political agenda. As a result, the disabled are made to feel like leaches and less-than-important members of society. It's completely humiliating. I busted my ass (literally) over the years, working beyond my limitations and suffering as a result because I didn't want to ask for help or be put in the position I now am of being "examined" by government officials who'd rather I crawl under a rock and die.

By the very nature of being disabled, I want to overcome the challenges fate has thrown against me. It really pisses me off to know that over the next 3 to 6 months an unknown number of faceless bureaucrats will be scrutinizing, double-checking and working endlessly to find any hole they can in my life experience to prove that I don't deserve assistance. It's the ultimate exercise in political hypocrisy. An agency which exists to assist the disabled work as hard as they can to find ways of not assisting the disabled. It's like an insurance company that takes your money so that you can be protected in case of "unforeseen" circumstances, and then when something actually happens to you they work their asses off to find ways of not giving you that money and assistance you've paid for. It's the biggest protection racket ever invented.

I know I sound cynical, but I also know that the Social Security and welfare system begun by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (himself disabled) has been a thorn in the side of the conservative movement since it's inception some 60 years ago. The very instruments which helped the American people rise out of the ashes of the Great Depression have been labeled as evil and the conservatives and now the neo-cons are doing everything in their power to dismantle it. If it is the wish of the conservatives and neo-cons to eliminate the "weaker" members of the population they should bring legislation to legalize euthanasia. Hell, they are the ones who support the death penalty, so why not? But then how would that help their "pro-life" agenda?

Let's make sure babies, no matter what the circumstance, are born into the world...uh...unless they are born disabled, economically disadvantaged or members of an ethnic group not liked by old white men...then we can be not so pro life.

Is that too harsh?

How about this idea: let's round up all the disabled and use them like we use the economically disadvantaged and ethnic groups not liked by old white men...force them to join the military and send them overseas to fight illegal wars. Yeah, that's the trick! They'd make great soldiers, right? Think about it! What decent person could see a whole army of disabled people charging or wheeling or whatever way they can coming at them and still shoot them? Hey, we could make our own suicide bomber squads! Let's face it, it's better to use the already existing disabled than take healthy young people and make more disabled people...and you'll save money, too. With all the VA hospitals shutting down...sounds good to me! You can literally kill two birds with one bomb under this plan. And I'll call it The Herd Thinning Plan.

I think I'll write up a nice little letter to Mr. Rumsfeld and suggest it.

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