Thursday, December 08, 2005

Cast Off!

Time to lighten the mood! After my dispersions on the medical community and my rant on anger, time to share something with you that is the only photographic proof of my childhood in a body cast.

This photo was taken only minutes before they came in with an electric saw to cut me free from bondage. Once they had, they sat me up and asked me to bend my knees. I couldn't, after some three months of not using them they were locked in place. So, a male nurse took a hold of my ankles and in one quick motion, bent my knees!

Oh shit, I screamed and cried and cursed every bad word I knew at 10, which turned out to be quite a few. My brother who had gone out to the car to grab something and was just coming in through the front door of the facility could hear my shouts from the other side of the building behind a closed door.

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