Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Before & After - Hip Replacement

The top X-ray was taken early in 2000 after osteonecrosis destroyed my right hip. I apologize for the poor quality, but this is the best scan I could manage. There are fractures all across the head of the bone, and any healthy normal rounded shape is gone. It's almost completely flat. This is the direct result of a lack of healthy blood flow to the area, as well as continued deterioration even after my initial corrective surgery back in 1977.

The lower X-ray shows my artificial hip in 2003. Quite a contrast! This is what an uncemented full hip replacement looks like. The metal joint floats freely inside the cup attached to my pelvic bone, which means I have a larger range of motion than were it cemented. However, it also means that it could under enough stress pop out of the cup and surgery would be required to pop it back into the socket.

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