Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Before & After - Weight Loss

The upside (if there can be one) of my hip replacement was my significant weight loss. As mentioned, I was a food addict and extremely lethargic as a result of Perthes and the chronic pain. From ages 10 to 33 I battled obesity (oftentimes morbidly obese). I was obese for so long I couldn't have even imagined what I looked like after I lost the 100lbs. I had to lose in order to have a successful hip replacement. I used the Atkins Diet to achieve my weight loss, but I wouldn't recommend it for most people. It worked for me because of my large frame and heavy musculature helped my body withstand the tremendous stress the diet put on it.

I could never imagine the impact it had not only on how others saw me but on how I saw myself. It was completely bizarre! When I flew home to see my family for the first time since the massive weight loss, my own father, who had driven to the airport to pick me up, passed me by at the terminal. I had to shout out to him before he registered it was me.

I decided I'd show you the difference because it's as drastic as the contrast in the X-rays below. I chose the pictures from my drivers licenses that bookended the weight loss. I don't guess I need to tell you which is the before and which is the after. I was stuck with the before drivers license for two years after the actual weight loss, and in that time I had bouncers, cops and insurance agents tell me that I needed to change the picture, asap. They thought it wasn't me in the picture!

I'm going to write in detail later about how the weight loss and hip replacement directly affected my relationships. But I want to finish explaining the rest of my disabilities.

1 comment:

Matthew Van Vlack said...

Angel (don't know if you want your first name on here so I'll keep it just between us), you are the best and I'm touched. You stood by me as well when others left me years ago. And no matter how much my weight went up and down, as much as I suffered, you never judged me. Thanks so much for the support.