Sunday, May 14, 2006

Facing The Problem Is Appreciated

For me personally, I appreciate nothing more than when someone I love gifts me something that directly references my being disabled. Sound odd? Perhaps, when you consider that I spent almost 30 years hiding my problems, and political correctness seems to insist that society not even acknowledge a person's disability as if that's somehow going to make a disabled person not feel so...disabled.

I remember when a friend of mine, on the day I was going in for my hip replacement, brought me a little present. It was a key chain with a fake hip joint attached. It made me laugh my ass off. I loved it. She was the only friend who truly appreciated my dark sense of humor.

Last night, Laura gave me a very special night before my birthday present. It wasn't expensive, at all. She gave me the following bumper sticker:

It almost made me cry. And it was as much because this bumper sticker was true as because Laura had given me something that had shown me what I already knew about her, that my wonderful, beautiful girlfriend was fully supportive of the path I was walking.

And there is no doubt that the best birthday present we can have is the support and love of those who chose to live with our suffering.


Anonymous said...

First time commenter, long time lurker.


I never felt moved enough to respond to anyone's blog--until today. You have confirmed what I have felt for a long time when meeting people with disabilities. I always make it a point to share a smile, but you're right. In the back of my mind, I do worry about doing something wrong. Thanks for making my day and helping me adjust my way of thinking.

I am also working through a disability, but it is not on the same scale as yours. Just the same, your comment about hiding what's wrong resonated with me. This week I am finally getting fitted for hearing aids after years of pretending that nothing is wrong. (I have had great conversations which had nothing to do with what the other person in the room was talking about. It was great!) All joking aside-- MERCI BEAUCOUP!

I'd love to see that keychain!

Thank you

Matthew Van Vlack said...

Brilliant! I'm sure you had much better conversations than what the other person was saying.

And I will post a pic of the keychain just for you.