Saturday, April 21, 2007

ART IMITATING LIFE The Trailer - Production Stills

I hope everyone had a "relaxing" 4/20. Here are some stills shot during the shooting of the trailer of my fantastic cast and crew. Again, there is nothing I can say to fully express my appreciation to each and every one involved in getting this trailer completed, except "Thank you!" Artists of any kind, creative or technical, are the best of people and when they find a project they believe in the results can be truly wonderful. Enjoy...

Matt V V (writer/director) (left) & Haylee Twombly (producer)

Burt Gregory (sound) (left), Adam Tash (D.P.), Ric Borelli ("Art"), Juliana Dever ("Callie")

David Chung (assist. camera) (left), Adam, Matt & Ric

Juliana Dever ("Callie" & "Art's Muse")

Ric Borelli ("Art") (left) & Micaal Stevens ("Camel")

Ric (right) & "The Merry Mobsters": Jeff Torres (left), Micaal, Cooper Stevens & Marc De'Antone

Juliana Dever & Paul Kapellas ("Lenny")

Adam Tash (right) & Matt V V

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