Saturday, April 21, 2007

ART IMITATING LIFE The Trailer - Production Stills

I hope everyone had a "relaxing" 4/20. Here are some stills shot during the shooting of the trailer of my fantastic cast and crew. Again, there is nothing I can say to fully express my appreciation to each and every one involved in getting this trailer completed, except "Thank you!" Artists of any kind, creative or technical, are the best of people and when they find a project they believe in the results can be truly wonderful. Enjoy...

Matt V V (writer/director) (left) & Haylee Twombly (producer)

Burt Gregory (sound) (left), Adam Tash (D.P.), Ric Borelli ("Art"), Juliana Dever ("Callie")

David Chung (assist. camera) (left), Adam, Matt & Ric

Juliana Dever ("Callie" & "Art's Muse")

Ric Borelli ("Art") (left) & Micaal Stevens ("Camel")

Ric (right) & "The Merry Mobsters": Jeff Torres (left), Micaal, Cooper Stevens & Marc De'Antone

Juliana Dever & Paul Kapellas ("Lenny")

Adam Tash (right) & Matt V V

Friday, April 20, 2007

ART IMITATING LIFE The Trailer is Online!

In a year that has been a challenge for both Laura and I, we are so excited to announce the completion of the trailer for "Art Imitating Life!"

I can't begin to say thank you enough to those cast and crew members who on short notice gave so generously their time and talents to shoot this important tool to help us secure financing for the feature film.

My production partner Haylee Twombly has proven to be as much a friend as a business associate, and I love her so much for all the faith, hard work and vision towards bringing to life this story inspired by my lifelong struggle with disability and chronic pain.

The cast members who appear in the film are Ric Borelli ("Art"), Juliana Dever ("Callie"), Casey Irvine ("Adam"), Paul Kapellas ("Lenny") and Micaal Stevens ("Camel"). Micaal also collected three actors (Jeff Torres, Cooper Stevens, and Marc De'Antone) to show up and be our "mobsters." Ric and Juliana have been attached to this project longer than any other cast members. I can't imagine any one other than Ric and Juliana as my hero and heroine.

The crew members who helped us include Adam Tash (our D.P.), Burt Gregory (our sound guy) and David Chung (gaffer), as well as our newest team member, editor John Carrick, who we found through our Assoc. Prod. David Gold.

Haylee has posted the trailer (both the full and short versions) on our Brickyard Hill Channel on YouTube. I encourage all of you to check it out and let us know what you think. I love the feedback!

Haylee and I hope to hear in the next few weeks from the investors for whom we shot the short version of the trailer regarding the financing. So, keep your fingers crossed! I will also be posting some stills of the cast and crew shot during the production of the trailer.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Trouble Me

The last couple of months have been a struggle between agony and achievement. Not an uncommon theme in my life. Beginning the middle of January the pain in my lower back and my feet become markedly worse. Waking up in the morning was agonizing at best. When I put my feet on the floor, walking, let alone standing, seemed impossible. My back was difficult to straighten out. The dosage of Vicodin and the Lidocaine patches were not giving any relief. So, I contacted my primary physician and requested referrals to see my pain management specialist and the neurosurgeon I had consulted in October of 2005.

Before I could see the neurosurgeon I would have to have X-rays and MRI's. I will be getting the MRI tomorrow, but I did get my X-rays, and the results weren't pretty. My spine in a period of 18 months, had slipped almost 50% farther than my previous MRI in September 2005. This could easily account for the greater amount of pain and the greater amount of weakness in my legs. The MRI will reveal more about the slippage and if there is indeed a greater amount of root compression on my spinal cord.

In the meantime, I was able to meet with my pain management specialist who has now added a new medication to my pain management regimen: 25mg Fentanyl Patch - i.e., a morphine patch. My willingness to take the morphine patch, which my primary physician had suggested to me late last year, was at the behest of both my girlfriend and mother both of whom are growing tired of my constant resistance to getting as much medication as possible to make me functional as possible.

Accepting the morphine patch was not easy for me. I just don't want to believe I am so far gone and my pain is so out of my control that I need a medication as intense as morphine. Even after 3 years of knowing that my life will always be one with chronic pain, I am still fighting the inevitability of my fate. On the lighter side, after almost 2 weeks with the Fentanyl patch, I have found greater relief and been able to sleep more than 5 hours a night. Not every night, but most are better. My dreams have been a lot more "technicolor," but my night sweats have increased, so have my day sweats come to think of it! I have moments of intense fatigue and lightheadedness but that's to be expected. I will adjust to the morphine as I did the Vicodine.

In my earliest entries in this blog, I posted some scans of my X-rays to show the physical evidence of my disabilities. I think the evidence can be extremely helpful in understanding exactly what persons like me live with. So, I have posted here an X-ray comparison between the first 1994 X-ray of my spine and the most recent which was taken almost three weeks ago.

I added the white marks to illustrate more clearly the increase of slippage over that same period of time. I wish I could say that my own denial and continued physical activity has increased the deterioration; however, over the last 18 months, in which the almost 50% increase in slippage has occurred, my physical activity has decreased significantly!

In truth, as much as the 25mg of morphine has helped since being added to my 20/2,000 mg of Vicodin a day, the Lidocaine patches, the Cymbalta and the Ibuprofin, it hasn't given total relief. My pain management specialist has asked me to contact him if I feel I need to try one of the higher dosages, but I want to give the 25 mg a decent amount of time, as well as my body time to adjust, before I take in even heavier opiates to achieve relief.

I will, as always, keep you posted. And you can bet it will not be another two months! I will be getting the MRI tomorrow and seeing the neurosurgeon I hope in the next few weeks. After those results, I will absolutely get back to you.