Friday, December 14, 2007

Thank You For Lettin' Me Be Myself

In my last entry I commented that there were those not so understanding of what I have gone through. I also said there were others who had remained true friends and stalwart, supporting my position and right to admit my disabilities and fight for my rights. It is not my position to post their full names and bring attention to them. But I would like to list their first names.

I want to thank Laura, and Nancy, Charles & Chris, Haylee, David, Gav & Steph, Patricia, Amy, Julie, the cast & crew of "Art Imitating Life", Paul, Missy, Mike, Teri, Harley and the rest of Laura's family who have been in the physical absence of my own family as genuinely loving as if I shared blood with them. I would like to give a special thank you to Laura's younger brother Brian, who earlier this year at the age of 30, lost his life to cancer. He and I shared many conversations about living with pain. Brian lifted my heart and made me realize there are angels on Earth. Bri, you will be missed.

There are many others who have come in and out along the way who have through the many levels of my battle believed in and supported my efforts to have this ordeal make a difference. They know who they are and I love them for it. There are also the medical professionals who have listened to me and understood the unique nature of my conditions and helped me find treatment and the road to recovery. Among these I especially thank Dr. Coffman, Dr. Lupo and Dr. Kattih. It is only after I began working with these three specialists that I could once again believe that the health care system isn't entirely controlled by statistics and money.

Finally, I have to say so many thanks to you readers who have followed this blog, and I hope will continue, and have gotten from my writings what I intended.

A happy, healthy and joyous holiday season to all of you!

1 comment:

Abigail said...

Glad to see your support system is strong. I'm rooting for you. Keep blogging!